Event sourcing is a powerful pattern for tracking changes to application state, offering a robust way to manage domain-driven design in Laravel. However, setting up an event-sourcing domain can be time-consuming and repetitive, especially when following best practices.
To streamline this process, I’ve created a Laravel package that automates the creation of event-sourcing domains using Spatie’s event sourcing library. With just one artisan command, you can generate all the boilerplate code needed for your domain, including aggregates, events, and projectors.
This package empowers developers to focus on their business logic rather than spending time on repetitive setup tasks. Whether you’re building financial systems, audit trails, or complex applications that require detailed state tracking, this package can help you get started faster and with less hassle.
Here’s a sneak peek at how simple it is to use:
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain MODEL --domain=DOMAIN
In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how to use this package, explain its key features, and provide practical examples to help you integrate event sourcing into your Laravel projects efficiently.
👉 Check out the package on GitHub!
The primary command provided by this package is:
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain MODEL --domain=DOMAIN
This command generates the necessary structure and files for a complete event-sourcing domain in your Laravel project. Let’s break it down:
:Here’s an example of how to use this command:
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Order --domain=Sales
Running this will generate the following structure:
└── Domain/
└── Sales/
├── Actions/
│ ├── CreateOrder.php
│ ├── DeleteOrder.php
│ └── UpdateOrder.php
├── Aggregates/
│ └── OrderAggregate.php
├── Events/
│ ├── OrderCreated.php
│ ├── OrderDeleted.php
│ └── OrderUpdated.php
├── Projections/
│ └── Order.php
└── OrderProjector.php
To demonstrate the power of this package, let’s walk through an example of setting up a domain for managing Orders within a Sales domain in your Laravel application.
We’ll assume that a migration already exists.
// database/migrations/2024_12_20_121314_create_orders_table.php
return new class extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
public function up(): void
Schema::create('orders', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->decimal('total_amount', 10, 2);
// etc.
Run the make:event-sourcing-domain
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Order \
--domain=Sales \
Running this will generate the following structure:
└── Domain/
└── Sales/
├── Aggregates/
│ └── OrderAggregate.php
├── DataTrasnferObjects/
│ └── OrderData.php
├── Events/
│ ├── OrderCreated.php
│ ├── OrderUpdated.php
│ └── OrderDeleted.php
├── Projections/
│ └── Order.php
└── Projectors/
└── OrderProjector.php
use App\Domain\Sales\Actions\CreateOrder;
use App\Domain\Sales\DataTransferObjects\OrderData;
use App\Domain\Sales\Projections\Order;
# This will create a record in 'orders' table, using projector OrderProjector
(new CreateOrder)(new OrderData(
customer_email: 'john@acme.org',
customer_name: 'John Doe',
total_amount: 110.2,
items: [
'id' => 12345, 'name' => 'Whiskey bottle', 'quantity' => 2, 'price' => 55.1,
# Retrieve record
$order = Order::query()->where('email', 'john@acme.org')->first();
Another interesting feature is the ability to generate automatically PHPUnit tests for the model.
Run the make:event-sourcing-domain
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Order \
--domain=Sales --unit-test
The package allows to generate notifications (mail, Slack and Teams) with an option.
Run the make:event-sourcing-domain
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Order \
--domain=Sales \
--aggregate=1 \
Running this will generate the following structure:
└── Domain/
└── Sales/
├── Aggregates/
│ └── OrderAggregate.php
├── DataTrasnferObjects/
│ └── OrderData.php
├── Events/
│ ├── OrderCreated.php
│ ├── OrderUpdated.php
│ └── OrderDeleted.php
├── Notifications/
│ ├── Concerns/
│ │ └── HasDataAsArray
│ ├── OrderCreated.php
│ ├── OrderUpdated.php
│ └── OrderDeleted.php
├── Projections/
│ └── Order.php
└── Projectors/
└── OrderProjector.php
Some Bluepoint column types are not yet supported. You can find the list at this link.
Update migrations cannot yet be used, but only create migrations.
Finally, the package will need to be properly tested with PHP 8.3 and released for that version. (*)
Event sourcing is a transformative approach to building applications with robust state management and a clear audit trail. By leveraging the Spatie event-sourcing library, combined with this Laravel package, you can drastically reduce the time spent setting up event-sourcing domains while ensuring consistency and best practices.
With a single artisan command, you can generate all the necessary files and structure for your domain, empowering you to focus on building the unique aspects of your application.
If you’re ready to streamline your development workflow and dive into event sourcing, try the package today:
👉 Check out the package on GitHub!
Feel free to star the repository, report issues, or contribute to its development. Your feedback and contributions are invaluable for improving the package and making it even more powerful for Laravel developers worldwide.
On December 31, 2024, I have added support to PHP 8.3.